
Today marks the first day of ISMAR09 which has been the Workshop Day.  I participated in the Industry Workshop which was chaired by Noora Guldemond from Metaio.  I’m not going to go into a ton of detail today because there’s not much time until the next event, but the presentations and discussions were excellent.  The section with the HMD makers, Microvision and Vuzix, drew the most interest as our room population doubled during their part.   I plan on doing a whole post later this week or next devoted to the information gleaned from the HMD discussion.

I also got to participate in a wonderful discussion last night with Programmer Joe, Noah Zerkin, Robert Rice and Ori Inbar.  The topics flew and so did the time as we went way later than I had planned to stay up.  It would have been nice to have Tish (who was in her room working on a presentation) and Rouli (who could not make it) there too.  I think I owe a round of drinks for the next round-table. 

That’s all for now.  Looking forward to tonight’s keynote speaker with Mark Mine from Disney Imagineering and then tomorow for another day of augmented reality goodness.


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

  • Thanks for keeping me in mind 🙂
    I’m so wishing I was there, instead of working extra hours to ship some product on time …

  • […] Focus 2009 obviously lies on mobile devices, being iphone, android… and last, but not least, also WinMobile and Nokia’s Symbian OS. (The latter has been treated a bit stepmotherly, even though the first mobile AR demo I’ve seen ran on a symbian phone (at Uni Weimar, Germany)). The before-mentioned markup language ARML gets its discussion and HMDs seem to get pretty popular again as Thomas points out. […]

  • I so wish I was there also 🙂 I’m especially interested in the HMD stuff – looking forward to your post about it!

    Thanks for making us who can’t make it drool with envy. 🙂

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