
The biggest barrier to true augmented vision is an HMD that can handle all the requirements.  I had the oppertunity to experience what Microvision, Vuzix and ORALab/EvoOpticks had to offer.  I’ll try to relate their talks and my experiences with their products and let you know if any of them have achieved augmented vision. 

Microvision – Ben Averch

Ben started the presentation during the Industrial section of Workshop Monday.  The first AR-style model Microvision tried was the Nomad which tried to be a hands-free automotive maintenance model.  The unit was plagued by poor ergonomics and eye strain.  It only used the red spectrum and they retired the product line in 2006 only two years after release. 

Microvision then changed their plans to achieve an AR enabled HMD by leveraging their military contracts.  The plan is to sell their Urban Warfare model (Ultra-vis) to the government and then use what they’ve learned to create a consumer model. 

They see a big market for a consumer HMD display but need to solve the remaining issues before its ready for the public.  I had an opportunity to try out their prototype HMD.  It wasn’t a full unit, but a bulky monocle on a stick.  While it didn’t give me an idea how it would function as a pair of sunglasses, it did give me a feel for the graphics.  I was impressed by the clarity of the color in the monocle.  The big problem I see for the first generation of HMDs will be the field of view.  This prototype only had a ~25degree field of vision.  The limited view will mean our early HMDs will only mimic our computer screens and not release the full spectrum of hands-free AR. 

Ben has written about his experience on his official Microvision blog and has said they expect a commercial product by 2011. 

It’s clear from the discussions I had with various industry members that a see-through wearable display that meets people’s expectations from both ergonomics and display performance is the big, obvious missing link in the AR solution story. We at Microvision are working hard to fill in this gap and create a technology solution that can allow this new market to take shape.

Ben also showed off their projector which at the time didn’t excite me much from an AR point of view.  However, after the key note speech from Mark Mine from Disnery Imagineering, I learned that the projector had a lot more going for it than I realized. 


Vuzix – Paul Travers

Paul gave us a nice history of HMDs including the failed hype of VR which has made getting money for HMDs harder to come by.  On a good note, Vuzix has a good track record of selling video glasses which gives them a good base to work from once they master the AR HMD.  Currently they’ve sold around 200,000 video glasses by marketing them the same way a HD TV would be sold.  This might mean that augmented reality’s best bet for widespread use is to be a Trojan horse within another accepted technology (similar to how Yelp gained AR eyeballs through their Monocle easter egg.) 

Unfortunately, Paul had to apologize a few times for misleading on the AR community about the “see-through AR HMDs” everyone thought were right around the corner with the 920Wrap.  He hopes they can reach market by 2010, but like Microvision they still have challenges to solve. 

I did get to try their video glasses, which were interesting, but I would have preferred to try out the glasses Ori tried at GDC.   Paul did say that see-through AR glasses would be priced from $199-349.  This sounds like a great price point that would help gain wider audiences.  I know I would buy one. 



This presentation delved into more historical and technical realms rather than commercial usage.  Not a lot to pass along, but I did get to try their see-through HMD.  The view port was around 20 degrees and seen through two reflected mirrors on the screen rather than a laser created image.  They have no current plans for commercial production.   

And for the history buffs, the first patent for an HMD was by Albert B. Pratt in 1916. 












I wish Lumus had also attended ISMAR, but no such luck. 

Overall, I was disappointed that no HMD maker had a surprise announcement that they had a product ready for release Q1 2010.  Release dates of 2011 sound more like appeasement than real schedules.  Having experienced the products myself, I also realize the field of view will be a problem for early developers.  Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy to have a HMD right now, even with a 15 degree field, but the small width will limit creativity.  Hopefully when they solve the lighting and weight issues they’ll also figure out how to achieve a 40 degree field of view. 

This past May, I predicted true Augmented Vision would occur around 2015.  After the demonstrations on Monday, I’m not going to change my prediction.  While I heard many quote Moore’s Law in regards to AR, I’m not buying it yet.  Moore’s Law is fed by billions (with B) of dollars which pushes the technology as fast as it can go.  AR is still languishing in VR’s dead space and has to catch a few wins of its own before it can start generating real cash to take advantage of Moore’s Law.   

Even if Microvision or Vuzix or Lumus release a commercial product in 2011, the software and apps to make the experience fulfilling won’t be available.  I also expect the first versions of the AR HMDs will only be bought by the early adopters.  It will take a few tries to make them lightweight, eye-strain free and with enough field of vision to keep people from having to rotate their head constantly.  I’m all for being wrong on this one, but I expect the road to widespread acceptance will be paved with a few missteps.  Cellphones took twenty years to go from the bag phone to the ultra-sleek smartphone, and while technology moves faster these days, I’m still sticking with my year 2015 prediction.


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

  • In Microvision’s presentation, it mentions 40% field of view accomplished as of 2008. Did Ben give a reason for only displaying one with a 25% fov?

  • Thanks for the update Tom. I’m slightly disappointed by the progress made I must say but I do tend to be overly optimistic.

    I’ve always wondered why a TOLED (transparent OLED) cannot be used for HMD glasses. Its a fairly new technology but its been knocking around for a few years. Heres a recent video from a Samsung concept : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G3wWmtkN88

    OLED are definitely bright enough, and we know they can be made small AND can be curved into non-flat surfaces. I really can’t think why they cannot be used…probably patentspolitics or money issues…pity 🙁

  • @Johnnyblago – to be honest, I’m not sure what the actual fov will be for their final product. The little hand-held monocle might have had a larger fov, but I was guessing. Since their current one is for military and they don’t have a commercial one yet, who knows what it’ll be.

    I do hope for 40deg fov because that would give a lot more functionality.

    @David – I hadn’t seen that before, but that’s a good find. I’ll have to send them both an email to ask if that’s possible for glasses. Might be power problems for making into glasses.

  • excellent article, thanks!
    I had the opportunity to try out Lumus’ PD18 http://www.lumus-optical.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=10&Itemid=16, and was fairly unimpressed. Even though it was a dark room, the image was very faint.

    Moreover, I think that for HMD to really be practical for (general use) AR, they’ll have to incorporate pupil tracking mechanism, so they’ll know what you are looking at, otherwise the view would be too cluttered. This is yet another hurdle ahead …

  • There was a pupil tracking demonstration at ISMAR that worked pretty well. I didn’t take any notes about it, but got to try it out. A little strange to have the cursor stuck to your sight, but it worked.

  • Hey Tom,

    Nice summary. did you try out the VR920 (with CAM AR) at the Vuzix booth? I did, and though it is not optical see through, I could see it as a possibility for an industrial HMD. Because it is so thin, you can actually see quite a bit of the world above the glasses. And it sits nicely on the nose, it does not continuously fall down the bridge like the Wrap 310. And the image was quite large and very clear. Of course it looks geeky, but like you said in the Monday workshop, in a factory environment who cares what you look like.

    I’ll be summarizing my experience for my managers by the end of next week. Would you mind if I posted my conclusions here on your blog?

    Nice to have met you,


  • Hello Leon!

    Yeah, I did get a chance to try it. Was a nice pair of video glasses. Would be interesting to take a trip to watch movies, but its really isn’t usable for AR applications (or at least the type I would like to create), fashion aside.

    Go ahead and post away.

  • Nice summerys.
    Pretty disappointing we arnt further, but its good to see a few companys working on the problem.
    I too wondered why TOLED screens arnt used.
    I understand they could only “overlay” light, and not subtract (no blacks), but it would still be pretty usefull. (and you could always at a normal LCD back).

    Guess its down to focusing issues.

    The other question is if anyone is working on side-projection?
    Do we need lens at all? We have research going as far as contact lens….which is great…but wouldn’t projecting images from the sides be vastely easier? Have to stick out more then glass’s, of course. But I think the non-lens aspex would make them more mass-consumer friendly if the technology could be done.

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