On April 21st, we’ll be unleashing the Indie Steampunk Lit Extravaganza on the world.  One of the authors, Wendy Callahan, has agreed to sit down and answer my questions about her writing and the event.
Q: Why steampunk?A: I love that the steampunk aesthetic leaves so much room to explore, and experiment. As a history buff, it’s fun to take one of my favorite eras – the Victorian Age/industrial revolution – and play with what might have been. Rules and I don’t get along very well with each other, but literary freedom is one of my best pals.

Q: What makes your work unique? How does it stand out from other works in the genre??

A: In the Aetheric Artifacts series, I have created a new race – Aetherals. Their powers are classified as infernal or celestial. No one seems to understand what this means in book 1 (“The Chronos Clock”), nor do they necessarily care until they are faced with a forbidden romance. So the characters undertake a journey in book 2 (“The Daemon Device”) to find out if their racial differences truly mean they cannot be together.

This is a lighthearted, comedic adventure series, with a touch of romance. There’s a very proper main character, whose logical nature stands in the way of her relationship with the man she loves. Then there’s her impulsive, gun-slinging significant other, as well as the apothecary/artificer who helps them by providing specialized gadgets. Oh, and then there are the puns; many puns.

Q: What have you published most recently?
A: On March 24, a colleague and I just released “Steampunk for Simpletons”, which is an “Idiots” or “Dummies” style guide to steampunk.
Q: What’s next on your publishing schedule?

A: The third and final book in the Aetheric Artifacts series, “The Enigma Engine”, releases in June. For those waiting to see if Demetra and Francis will finally marry, the answer is there.

Q: You’re going to be appearing in The Indie Steampunk Lit Extravaganza at the end of April. What can you tell us about that?

A: May I say this in a snazzy movie trailer-style voice? *ahem* Thirteen authors, thirteen books, and a plethora of steamy goodness at 50% off. This is a great opportunity to discover a cross-section of steampunk works, from high adventure to high fantasy, from intrigue and mystery to romance and comedy.

Q: How can people find out more about you? Where can they find your books?

A: I’m everywhere, much like Ceiling Cat. But the easiest way to find me is to pop over to www.WendyLCallahan.com, and go from there. My books are listed there, and they are available at all the usual retailers – Amazon, B&N, OmniLit/All Romance, Sony, Apple, and so forth.

You can also find me at www.soundsofsteam.com, which is the live weekly radio show I co-host.

Q: Before you have to go, anything else you’d like to tell us?

A: Thank you very much for having me here today. It’s been a pleasure.

And thank you, Wendy, for stopping by!  I’m sure we’ll be seeing you around these parts real soon.


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

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