

ISMAR09 Sympsium & Expo is right around the corner and I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be not only attending ISMAR09, but I will be presenting during the Manufacturing section on Monday and joining the panel discussion as a representative of Toyota.  I’ll be reviewing the possibilities of augmented reality in an industrial setting, including a project that I’m working on with Metaio.  Hopefully I can enlighten participants on the constraints and challenges of implementing augmented reality on the factory floor. 

I’m announcing this on my blog, so if anyone has any requests for topics during the discussion, I can be sure to bring them up.  I was only able to confirm attendance last week, so there’s still plenty of time to update my presentation. 

Not only am I excited about presenting, but I’m more excited about getting to meet a lot of the people I’ve interacted with throughout the AR world.  I’ll be there from Sunday until Tuesday afternoon, so if you’re going to be there then, I’d love to meet up, chat and maybe, share a drink.

To reach me before or to contact me during the conferance, email me at tom.carpenter (@) tema.toyota.com or twitter to thomaskcarpente.  (Yes, the name is missing the ‘r’ since my name was too big for twitter.)  I’ll be tweeting updates during the conferance (as well, I use it regularly for posts and other augmented reality related news.)


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

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