If you’ve read the novel Rainbows End or seen the anime series Denno Coil or read the short story I had posted a while back about the Digital Sea. Then you understand what fully rendered augmented reality is. It’s all around us, all the time and it creates opportunities for manipulating reality that human beings have never experienced before except through movies.
The video below, while merely a concept video, does an exceptional job of explaining how a fully rendered world would work. This concept, however, is a long way from our current reality. We’re probably five years away from true augmented vision and then to begin to digitally construct the world, so we can bend reality, would take another decade at least.
But if you’re unfamiliar with the potential of augmented reality, the possibilities it intuits under the papervision we’re currently experiencing, then I recommend viewing the below video. The narrator (Albert) explains that he’ll be doing more in a series and I hope he does, because I think the video would be recommended viewing for anyone who has difficulty understanding how augmented reality might work in the future.
Hey dude –
Thanks for the glowing review!
Yeah, I’ve got a lot to talk about re: the future of AR. I think one big step, actually, in the dissemination of the concept is to find a way that’s easily digestible to the public – to make it appealing to consumers and investors.
For the most part, for this series I’m trying to actually stay away from the term “AR” and use the term “spatial computing” instead. I see AR as the technology that relates only to the idea of a camera processing a marker and posting a 3d object on top of it, whereas I’m trying to promote ‘spatial computing’ as a concept of culture or experience.
In any case, I’m glad you enjoyed the video
Spatial computing is a good description of it. My personal enty to the technological lexicon to describe the immersive and ubiquitios computing enviroment is the Digital Sea. Of course, I’m also calling my post-cyberpunk novel the same thing, so we’ll see. The usage of words is a difficult thing to predict. This morning I heard the term “Twiterature” for the first time. Who knows?
I’ll update my post with your name, I couldn’t find it on your website. And for further videos, you might try using Metaio’s Unifeye demo software. It can be used as a real-time video editor if you work it right. Looking forward to the next video!
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