
I know fans have been waiting a long time for the next Hundred Halls series, but the wait will be over soon because the next book will be out in 38 more days on September 18th.  The first book in the next series is called The Reluctant Assassin.  It follows Zayn Carter, who some of you will know from the first series and specifically the book Web of Lies, as he survives his first year as a student at the Academy of the Subtle Arts.  Here’s the back cover blurb:

The best assassins learn their magic at the Academy of the Subtle Arts.  Everyone joins for their own reasons: to give death her proper due, to acquire outrageous fortunes, or to know that history bends to their blade.

Zayn Carter joined the Academy to save his family.

In the sleepy town of Varna, an ancient evil lurks, preying on the townsfolk and keeping them enslaved by her poison.  This arrangement has lasted for centuries because to kill the Lady is to guarantee the death of every man, woman, and child in the town.  Faced with this impossible conundrum, Zayn vows to take down the Lady, and all that support her.   He’ll save his family from this horrible fate—or die trying.

The first book will be released at a promotional price of $0.99, but that won’t last for long, so be ready to get your copy on September 18th.  And stay tuned to this space for other announcements like the cover reveal and giveaways.  Or you can guarantee that you’ll won’t miss a thing by signing up for my newsletter (and getting a free copy of Trials of Magic).


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

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