
Between the grueling heat wave and the torrential storms, I’ve had plenty of reasons to stay indoors this summer and keep working.  I’m past the center post and it’s hard to imagine I’ll get as much done as I did the first half, but with many deadlines looming I have no choice but to keep steaming forward.  


Great reviews still coming in for my first three novels (well, nothing yet for Fires, but many of the ARCs just went out last week.  It’ll be a month until we see the first one.)  The latest ones nearly bowling me over with comparisons to my favorite characters and writers.  See for yourself:

The Digital Sea Reviews

 “…the character Zel Aurora reminds me of Lisbeth Salander from Stieg Larsson’s trilogy…as does the writing in general.”
~ “Kindle Lover
 “This book was: SO GOOD.”
“…From the storyline to the characters to the sub stories, it was all fantastic.”
“…I really enjoyed the structure of this book too…It all blended together very well as each piece layered into the next to great effect.”
“…If this sounds like something you might enjoy even just a little bit go pick it up, you won’t regret it!” 
~ Melissa 1000+ Books to Read
“…Carpenter developed each character fully making you feel for them, either liking or disliking them, there was never any doubt…well written…”
~ TicToc Reviews 


Gamers Review

“…If you’re a fan of science fiction, you’ll love this book. Especially if you like Scott Westerfield’s Pretties series. If you’re like me, and not a big fan of sci-fi (but you liked the Pretties), then you will also like this book. The action keeps the story alive and makes it hard to put down. Plus, the concept behind life being a live or die game is highly original, which makes the book all that much better. “

~ The Flashlight Reader 



The Mirror Shards Anthology is progressing at expected speeds.  Still on target for a September release date.  Also, finishing up The Godhead Machine, book two of the Digital Sea trilogy, and outlining Frags, the other book two on my agenda (Gamers Trilogy.)

Only a week left of the Smashwords Summer Sale.  I have a number of free stories and half-priced books up on the site.  Find Fires of Alexandria here for only a couple of bucks using the code SSW50.


If you enjoy reading books on your smartphone and use iTunes to search.  See this link for my current titles–iTunes Book Link.  Fires of Alexandria should be available on iTunes in a couple of weeks when the book gets pushed to Apple.

Finally, a cool video about Heron of Alexandria and the “miracles” of the temples.


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

  • Hey Tom, I’ll have one up for Fires soon – I loved it! Just haven’t had a chance to write it up yet, but I’ll be sure and post it around. 🙂

  • Thanks! I really appreciate it. 🙂

    Btw, are you going to make it back for the Anthology Workshop again? Or no trips back in the immediate plans?

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