
I find it hard to believe that the year is halfway over, but I guess I’ve been so busy it’s hard to keep track of the time. I rarely lament having nothing to do. Usually, I’m crying about not having enough time to get everything I want done.

But rather than do that today, I’d like to spend a moment to review what I have accomplished in the first half of the year.  This serves as more than just selfish trumpeting of deeds.  As my wife knows, I beat myself up about my self-imposed tasks too often, adding stress when none is necessary.  It’s time to take stock and, for a brief moment, enjoy what I’ve done.  Plus, it’s my birthday tomorrow.  🙂

My word count goal for the year was 250,000 words.  As of today, I stand at 165,003, which is about 65,000 words above goal.  That 165k word count includes one and a half novels and a half-dozen short stories.  I’ve sat down to write on 70% of the days during the year, which usually translates to about five days a week.

I’ve received well over fifty rejections from various magazine markets.  I don’t feel like counting the exact number and it doesn’t mean as much to me as it used to.  Before it was a nice way to know if I was getting myself out there.  Now I’d like to start seeing some sales, primarily with the Writers of the Future contest.  That one sale would be worth ten of the others.

On publishing, my plan has been to get six novels and one anthology online (not including a host of short stories.)  So far I have two with a third coming this week.  I’ve published The Digital Sea and Gamers.  Later this week, I will be publishing my historical fiction novel – Fires of Alexandria.  It’s a book that will cast a wide net when it comes to potential readership and I know it’s my best work to date.

I’m also working on publishing an anthology about augmented reality called Mirror Shards.  I’ve already bought a number great stories from professionals and neo-pros alike.  The deadline is this Friday, July 8th.  Once all the stories are in, I’ll pick the final few that will join the others and decide which will be the Gold Award, getting full pro pay.  It’s going to be a difficult decision.

Writing-wise, I’m finishing up the second book in the Digital Sea trilogy: The Godhead Machine.  When I complete the novel in a few weeks, it’ll be my ninth one.  The first three will never see the light of day, but the others are published or waiting to be published.  After I get that and a few short stories complete, I’ll move onto book two of the Gamers Trilogy: Frags.  My daughter, Zoe, can’t wait for me to complete that one.

So the first half of the year has been hell-bent and chalk-full of writerly work.  The second half will prove to be just as busy and I hope, just as successful.  While I can only control what I write, submit and publish, I do hope to see a few more boons in sales, and hopefully, success in the WOTF contest.  Here’s to a good second half of the year, and may yours be as well.


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

  • Wow, Tom, those are some impressive accomplishments. Indeed, no reason to be beating yourself up for goals you may have missed.

    Happy birthday! (It’s already July 5 where I am…)

  • Thanks, Grayson. And the goals I’ve missed are the ones I can’t control, but still, we stress about them, don’t we?

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