
I have a confession to make: I watch AOTS (Attack of the Show) almost every day and not just for Olivia Munn.  If you’re a hardcore gadget and game nerd like myself, this show is crack.  Though I was excited to see them discuss augmented reality for the first time, I thought they could have picked some better apps.  They discussed Pocket Universe, Twitter 360 and Google Goggles.  I agree with Goggles but would have like to have seen one of the older reality browsers shown like Wikitude, Layar or Junaio

The spotlight on AR was nice, but I’m hoping they do some more in-depth reviews of the nascent technology in the future.  I’d even lend them a hand with the research. 


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time contemporary fantasy author with over 50 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 25 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

  • “…would have like to have seen one of the older reality browsers…”

    Haha, we move fast don’t we! Junaio’s a month old, Layar is 6 months, and ok Wikitude is ancient history at 14 months old. What have you done for us lately, AR industry?

  • @gene


    Good point! Hasn’t been that long, but it sure does seem that way. I guess they’re older in comparison to the newborn babe of Twitter 360 (1 week) and Goggles (2 days).

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