
Here's the next installment of our Metallum Nocturne story.  If you need to catch up on any of the previous episodes, click here.

Episode Forty

The only time Claire had ever felt so alone had been after her parent's accident.  But it was worse this time because she thought she'd overcome those lonely days.  Sure, she could talk to Dawn, but there was so much she couldn’t tell her including what happened in the Undercity and the call of the Night Mother.  And then there was Elle.  The reporter had been scared off by what she was becoming.  Claire didn't blame her.  It was dangerous to be around her with the Night Mother's voice in her head. 

Claire went through the motions of her final weeks at Metallum Nocturne.  The instructors barely acknowledged her and gave her just enough credit on her half-assed work that she would pass.  Claire almost wished they would call her out rather than the avoidance pity she was receiving.  She hated pity.  She'd received a lifetime's worth when she was a teenager.  Now she was forced to dine on the bitter fruit again.

Occasionally, Claire found herself in the library for no reason other than it was a place of sanctuary.  But she had no more research to do.  She'd collected everything she could for her project except the night metal which was beyond her reach.  The sensible thing would have been to work on the goth music machine, but with Celesse's promise to help her to get Umbra and the trial looming in a week, she didn't see the point.  She couldn’t avoid her fate.

Claire received a package three days before the trial.  The box had a D'Agastine label on the side and looked like it was normally used for sending high-end beauty products to rich, old women.  She sat cross-legged on her bed, staring at the container for a long time before she got the nerve to open it. 

The interior was filled with black tissue paper which made Claire chuckle despite herself.  She couldn't imagine Celesse herself packing it, which meant she'd given the instruction to one of her underlings who'd not understood the implications of the box and had packed it like a gift.  After digging through the paper, Claire found two items.  The first was a small coin made of night metal, etched with runes that glowed faintly when her thumb brushed the surface.  The second was a neatly written card giving directions to a private portal and how to activate it using the night metal coin.  At the end of the card there was a brief note.

The world is a hard place for women of action like ourselves.  I hope I'm wrong about what trials are to come for you.  May we meet again under happier circumstances.


P.S. – May the seeds of your mistakes bear fruit tomorrow

Claire stared at the note for a long time, trying to unlock the mystery of the Alchemist patron, but decided it was impossible.  The only thing she could take away was that she was rooting for her.  It was a small thing, but it mattered.  She tucked the note into her backpack and the coin into her pocket.  There was no point in waiting.  She filled the pack with a change of clothes, some food bars, and a bottle of water.  The idea that this was a simple overnight trip was laughable but given the dearth of knowledge about Umbra, she didn't know what else to do.

The portal was in the next ward over behind the Newtown Fish Market.  She switched into comfortable clothes before leaving her room.  As she stepped into the hallway, she spotted the curly brown hair of her friend Dawn, heading the other way.  Claire's mouth opened but nothing came out.  She feared as soon as she started talking to Dawn, she would spill everything that had happened and lose the nerve to go to Umbra.

The train ride was short.  A single station and then she was on foot.  She wished it'd been across the city, giving her more time to think, but maybe that's why Celesse had chosen this portal.  Claire knew the city was littered with hidden ones.  The Patrons and other wealthy mages liked to use them to move about the city unseen.  A block from her location, her pocket buzzed.  Claire read the message as she walked.

ELLE: Hey, sorry I haven't msg'd you. The UC kinda freaked me out.  But I'm over that.  Can we talk?

Claire put the phone against her forehead with her eyes closed, cursing under her breath.  She thought about ignoring the message, but if she never came back, she wanted someone to know where she'd gone.  She typed out a message and then hesitated before sending it.

CLAIRE: Might have an answer to my skin condition.  Headed out of town.  Hopefully I can make it back in time for the trial.

ELLE: Are you sure?  I feel like you're not telling me a ton.  Can we talk?  I'm out of editorial mtg in an hour.  Would love to meet up.  I’m sorry I got scared.

Claire shook the phone.  This wasn't what she needed, even though it was good to know that Elle hadn't abandoned her.  She had far too few friends. 

CLAIRE: No time.  Leaving soon.

She expected an answer, but the screen remained blank.  Claire kept checking it while she walked, seeing she was closing in on the location of the portal.  About a hundred meters away, the phone made a cheerful tone.

"Hey, Elle."

"I told my editor I had to use the bathroom.  He's pissed, but I don't care.  I'm worried Claire."

"It's going to be okay," she said.  "I'm going to find answers."

"Where?  How?"

Claire chuckled under her breath.  "I met with Celesse D'Agastine."

"You what?"

"Yeah, it was as weird as you'd expect."

"I can't wait to hear about it."  A pause.  "I get to hear about it right?"

"Elle.  I need to go before I lose my nerve."

"This doesn't sound safe, or smart.  Claire.  Where are you going?  Can I come with?"

The idea that Elle was willing to join her again after the disastrous trip to the Undercity warmed her heart. 

"I wish you could, but not this time.  I think this is an exclusive journey.  Hopefully it's not one way."


The desperation in her voice surprised her.  She shuddered to a stop a dozen yards from a black door on the back of a brick building. 

"Reporters aren't supposed to get close to their subjects, but I won't lie, I'm totally invested.  I've spent the last few days beating myself up for not picking up the phone and calling you and now that I know you're leaving, I'm especially mad at myself.  You should delay this trip until after the trial.  I know there's more you're not telling me about the night metal, but maybe we can figure it out together.  I have a lot of connections and resources that you don't have.  We can do this.  Please.  Claire."


"I know.  I just vomited my feelings all over you, but I feel like if you leave now, I'm never going to see you again.  I don't like the sound of that," said Elle.

"I feel the same way about you.  I, I really enjoy spending time with you, but I'm afraid if I don’t go, what happened to me down there will only get worse.  You're not safe with me.  I learned some things that confirmed that.  I don't want to hurt you.  That would kill me."

"It would only be a short delay."

"No it wouldn't.  The trial is only starting in three days.  Who knows how long it will last?  And then you'll convince me not to go."

"I don't even know where you're going."

Claire put a hand to her forehead.  "But I do, and I know what you'd say.  I know we haven't known each other long, but I know that much."

The silence was unbearable.


"Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, anything."

Claire smiled despite herself.  "I didn't tell Dawn anything either.  Talking to you makes me realize that was a shitty thing to do, leave without telling anyone.  Please, if I don't come back, make sure you explain to her what happened."

"But I don't know anything..."

"You know more than you realize," said Claire, rubbing the hard metal underneath her shirt.  "I have to go, Elle."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but the world is a hard place for women of action like ourselves."


"Never mind," said Claire.  "A quote.  I'll tell you about it if I get back."

"When you get back."

"When I get back," said Claire.

"Be safe."

"You too," said Claire.  She hung up before she lost her nerve, cutting Elle off and shoving the phone into her pocket.   

The black door was clearly warded.  Claire repeated the pass phrase, adding a bit of faez to the words.  The lock clicked and the door wheezed open.  The interior was dark, but she could see fine.  At the center of the room was a glistening stone about her height.  The pillar was made of obsidian, which had there been any light would have reflected her image. 

Claire pulled the night metal coin from her pocket.  The instructions were simple.  She approached with the object in her fist and using her other hand, pressed it against the cold stone.  Before she lost her nerve, Claire opened her conduit of faez and pushed it into the night metal coin.

***Come back in two weeks for the next installment***


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

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