
Like most people at the end of the year I like to reflect on the things that happened, put together a list of my favorites, and start setting goals for the next year.

It has been a very busy year on the writing front for me. I’ve written over 760,000 words in 2022 and published 8 books, completing Season One of the Hundred Halls. We successfully funded 2 Kickstarter campaigns and created our own direct sales store. We’re certainly doing all we can to make this full time writing gig work.

I did make time to do some fun things as well. Some highlights were climbing two 14,000’+ mountains (Princeton and Elbert), celebrating our 25th anniversary in Hawaii, visiting 5 National Parks, tons of live music, and lots of time spent hiking the mountains around our small town.

This is a list of some of my favorite things from the year (in no particular order):

Did you see/hear/read any of these? What were some of your 2022 highlights? I’d love to hear them. Just leave a comment to share with me.


Thomas K. Carpenter

Thomas K. Carpenter is a full time urban fantasy author with over 60 independently published titles. His bestselling, multi-series universe, The Hundred Halls, has over 35 books and counting. His stories focus on fantastic families, magical academies, and epic adventures.

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