In addition to the 25 books currently published, there are also 9 short stories so far in the Hundred Halls universe. Here is a list of all the stories and where they can be found in case you’re a completionist like me.
Hundred Halls Short Story Bundle Vol. 1:
Nadia’s Triumph – Set in Coterie of Mages at the time around Invictus’ disappearance. This story is also available for free when you join my newsletter.
The Ghostly Light of Hallow’s Eve – Set at Halloween during the annual carnival put on by the Weird Circus (Oestomancium Hall).
The Ascendant Cup – This was originally published in Fantastic Schools Vol. 1. Set during a contest in the Alchemists Hall.
The Whistling Man – A haunting tale about an unusual being of the night.
Summer Spies – A story about a summer internship for Vin, one of the Assassin’s Hall members found in The Reluctant Assassin series.

Other stories:
Fear is Forever – About a pivotal moment in the Charmer siblings (from the Stone Singers series) early lives.
Balancing the Ledgers – This story is given to newsletter subscribers for free. It is a story about Radoslav, the Maetrie who owns the Glass Cabaret.
A Slip of the Tongue – This will be found in Fantastic Schools Vol. 6 due out in October 2022. It is a story about a professor in Arcanium.
Shades of the Past – This is a stretch reward bonus story only included in The Order of Merlin for backers of the Kickstarter campaign. It is a story about a tiny hall during the pivotal events in The Order of Merlin trilogy.
Next year I will have enough stories to put together The Hundred Halls Short Story Bundle Vol. 2! Have you read all 9 of these? Which one is your favorite?