Despite all the research, the blog articles written, novels penned and ideas considered, I’m still regularly amazed by the quality of the videos about augmented reality. I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while, but a recent AR martial arts video reminded me–I Must Post It Now! Otherwise, I would be depriving an interested audience of this Cornucopia of Awesomeness(tm). In no particular order, I present “10 Mind Blowing Augmented Reality Videos.”
1) Martial Arts
2) Domestic Robocop
3) Stark HUD2020
4) Ski Goggles
5) Transcendenz
Transcendenz from Michaël Harboun on Vimeo.
6) Realite Augmentee
Réalité Augmentée by KETCHUP-MAYONNAISE
7) OutRun: Driving Game
8) Kitty Ears
9) If Minority Report Was Our Twisted Reality
10) Feed
(Keep in mind these videos are concepts, but I see no reason why the technology can’t make them happen…just give it time.)